How to grow celery at Home:Mastering the Art of Homegrown Celery

Imagine relishing the crisp delight of homegrown celery a fleeting pleasure, as its seasonal availability wanes. During winter, fresh celery becomes a rare find in stores, often relegating us to frozen, dried, or canned alternatives. Yet, a simple solution exists to ensure this versatile vegetable graces your table year round; cultivate celery at home on your very own windowsill.

How to grow celery at Home: From planting to nurturing

Choosing the Perfect Variety

Cultivating celery indoors yields satisfying results, as this resilient plant seamlessly adapts to home environments. Delve into three primary celery varieties:

  1. Leafy: Sought after for its lush green foliage.
  2. Petiole (Salad): Treasured for its crisp, flavorsome stalks.
  3. Root: As its name implies, this variety yields hefty, edible root vegetables.

All three varieties can thrive on your windowsill, regardless of whether they are early, mid, or late-ripening cultivars. While the leafy type thrives indoors, the root and petiole variants flourish more vibrantly in greenhouses or open grounds for a bountiful harvest.

Selecting the Ideal Container:

Creating a conducive environment for indoor celery growth hinges on choosing broad containers with a minimum depth of 15 cm. From flower pots to repurposed mayonnaise buckets, these containers should feature drainage holes and trays to manage excess water.

For brand-new containers, a quick rinse suffices, while repurposed ones deserve disinfection through a gentle manganese solution wash.

Optimal Soil Choice:

Despite its resilient nature, celery thrives in well-structured soil. The preferred soil should be light, airy, nutrient-rich, and neutral in pH. Options include store-bought seedling soil or a universal mix for vegetable crops. Alternatively, concoct your blend by combining garden soil, coconut substrate, and humus or peat in a 2:1:2 ratio.

Ensure soil hygiene through one of these methods:

  1. Boiling water treatment.
  2. Oven sterilization.
  3. Watering with a diluted manganese solution.
  4. Exposure to sub-zero temperatures for 3-5 days, followed by gradual warming indoors.

Promote air and moisture exchange by introducing a 1-2 cm drainage layer (crushed stone, ceramics, gravel, etc.) at the container’s base.

Preparing Celery Seeds for Planting:

To expedite celery seed germination, consider these pre-planting steps:

  1. Envelop seeds in moist gauze for 5-7 days, dampening it as it dries.
  2. After the same duration, place seeds in the refrigerator’s fruit and vegetable section.
  3. For optimal germination, soak seeds in growth biostimulants like “Epina” or “Zircon” per instructions.
  4. Alternatively, immerse seeds in a 1:1 mixture of aloe juice and water for a few hours.
  5. Seeds from your garden plot merit a brief potassium permanganate soak for disinfection.

Cultivating Celery: A Step-by-Step Approach

From Seeds:

Timing plays a pivotal role when planting celery seeds:

  1. Create shallow furrows about 0.5 cm deep, sowing seeds 2-3 cm apart. Adjust spacing for reduced thinning requirements.
  2. Gently cover seeds with soil, followed by a delicate spritz of water.
  3. Place containers in a shaded, warm spot with temperatures around +25°C. Consider polyethylene covers with tiny air holes or a similar alternative.
  4. Mist the soil occasionally. Expect initial sprouts in about two weeks.
  5. As sprouts emerge, remove covers and transfer containers to a well-lit windowsill, avoiding direct sunlight.
  6. If necessary, thin out weaker shoots, ensuring a 12-15 cm distance between plants for optimal growth.

Seedling Method:

Prepare the seedlings by sowing seeds in dedicated containers or regular plastic cups. Once seedlings develop 2-3 leaves, transplant them into pots.

From the Core: Repurpose the celery core, usually discarded, to cultivate a fresh plant:

  1. Place the core, cut side up, in room-temperature water. Submerge only the base.
  2. Set it on a windowsill, replenishing water as it evaporates.
  3. Within 7-10 days, roots will emerge.
  4. Transplant the rooted core into soil and position it on a sunlit windowsill.

From the Root: The root-based approach yields swift celery shoots, albeit with a shorter harvest cycle:

  1. Plant the root in soil, burying it halfway.
  2. Water the root and place it on a sunny windowsill.

Optimal Growth Conditions:

  1. Temperature: Maintain a cozy range of +18°C to +22°C.
  2. Illumination: Celery flourishes in abundant light. While natural sunlight suffices in spring and summer, consider supplementing with 2-4 hours of additional light during other seasons, even without a phytolamp.
  3. Humidity: For dry indoor air or celery pots near radiators, introduce water-filled trays nearby. Enhance humidity through a humidifier or misting during hot weather.

Nurturing Your Celery:

Watering and Soil Aeration:

  • Cultivate celery in well-draining, moderately moist soil.
    • Regularly aerate soil for optimal root air circulation.
    • Water with tempered room-temperature water as needed, avoiding extreme dryness or saturation. In winter, weekly watering suffices.


  • Every 2-3 weeks, provide celery with complex mineral fertilizers or biohumus.
  • Fresh Air Infusion:
  • Ventilate your space regularly to ensure a steady influx of fresh air, while steering clear of drafts.


Diseases and Pests:

  • At home, celery rarely succumbs to pests or diseases, often linked to non-disinfected garden soil.
    • Neglect can lead to weakened plants, elongation, and nutrient deficiencies.
    • Excessive watering may attract gnats or trigger root rot and fungus issues, which can be mitigated using specialized remedies.


Embarking on the journey of growing celery at home is gratifying, devoid of complexity. With meticulous care, this adaptable vegetable flourishes on your windowsill. Whether initiating growth from seeds, harnessing the core’s potential, or nurturing roots, success rests upon providing optimal conditions and steadfast care.

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